Better time for learning English | Bilingual STEM School Better time for learning English - Блог - Bilingual STEM School

Better time for learning English

Better time for learning English
Мар'яна Бабій

Мар'яна Бабій

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When is the best time to start learning English?

🍁 It is always better to start learning a craft as early as possible. This definitely also applies to English. Your child will have a far better time learning English if you introduce it to them at an early age.

🍁 Children are very adaptable during their formative years. Even after being introduced to their first language, picking up English is much easier for them than for an adult accustomed to certain language structures.

🍁 So, welcome to our school, preschool or kindergarten 🤗 We will study English together 🙂.

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